
After a long and hardworking day on the fields, a human picks up the last potato and place it into his bucket. As he gets up he sees a dozen of goblins trying to reach his daughter. As he drops his bucket, his tattoos start glowing and an orangish aura surrounds him. In a matter of seconds he is next to his daughter butchering the goblins with his short sword and his fists. A female elf starts concentrating and immediately four copies of herself appear next to her each summoning and throwing a bunch of shurikens to a pack of wolves, summoned by the target she has to kill, that charge onto her. After retrieving some important intel that could destroy its homeland, a kenku sets two guards staring at each other as a superior enters the room. Then its eye becomes different and immediately it conceals itself with the air around it and manages to escape safe and sound a five floors building full of guards. Whatever their way, shinobi can concentrate and harness the magical energy within them called chakra, each creating unique effects from the jutsu of their way but also from their common jutsu as shinobi.

The energy within, Chakra

This energy called chakra, is an element that flows through living bodies. Shinobi can concentrate and harness its power to create magical effects that affect the mind of their opponents or harm them, or harness chakra from the nature itself to increase their strength and speed. As they gain experience, they learn to concentrate and harness their chakra better, infuse chakra into their weapons, heal their allies or influence positively the mind of their ally.

The life of a shinobi

Mostly shinobi are meant to live an isolated life without any emotions, in order to work and finish their missions easier without any complications. They tend to isolate themselves because having a close and dear person to them can lead into being blackmailed or lose that person close to them, from the work and the life they are going through. They mostly work as assassins, mercenaries or spies for their living, under the command of their village or clan leader, a noble patron or some other mortal. For shinobi becoming an adventurer means bonding with people, which might be harsh but occasionally it can help them accomplishing their goal or finishing their missions easier. As a rule, shinobi are mostly cold-hearted without showing many emotions in order to accomplish their goal or finish the mission they are assigned to, or they try not to show their emotions if they have any.

Creating a Shinobi

As you make your shinobi character, think about where you were raised and learned your skills. Were you raised in your clan village and learned your skills by a mentor? Did you inherit your skills by a family member and work under a noble patron? Are you an orphan and were raised by a mentor? Do you work and chose this isolated life by a crime you committed and trying to atone for your sins by doing good deeds and helping people or were you falsely charged so you are trying to get revenge and clear your name? Do you work under a noble patron in gratitude for a service he performed for your family in the past? Consider why you chose adventuring, did your mentor trust you with a secret mission or did your parents die and you seek revenge so you need help to accomplish your goals? Do you want to atone for your sins and want to help others? As a result of the cold-hearted without emotions character, shinobi tent to almost be neutral in alignment.

Quick build

You can make a shinobi quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Wisdom your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the criminal background.

Class features

As a Shinobi, you gain the following class features:

Hit points

Hit dice: 1d8 per shinobi levelHit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifierHit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per shinobi level after 1st


Armor: NoneWeapons: Simple, Shortswords, ShurikensTools: Smith’s tools (You are only proficient in smithing shurikens, as it is a special shinobi weapon that you can only make and each shuriken is worth 1g of materials)Saving throws: Dexterity, StrengthSkills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of hand, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: • (a) a shortsword or (b) two simple weapons • (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a diplomat’s pack • 2 Shurikens

Unarmored Defense

Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Ninja Prowess

At 1st level, your ninja prowess gives you mastery of combat styles that use shinobi weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy property. You gain the following benefits while you are wielding only shinobi weapons and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield: • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your shinobi weapons. • You can roll your damage die in place of the normal damage of your shinobi weapon as shown in the Ninja Prowess column. This die changes as you gain shinobi levels, as shown in the Ninja Prowess column of the Shinobi table.

Tree climbing

At 2nd level, your shinobi affinity makes you able to climb trees with ease. You have +5 to any strength checks (Athletics) that require you to climb a tree.

Art of shuriken

At 2nd level, your gained experience on your special weapon, shuriken, allows you to use it faster and more efficiently. When you use your action to throw a shuriken, you can use your bonus action to throw another one, making a separate attack roll. At level 9 you can throw two more as a bonus action and at level 16 three more shurikens as a bonus action.

Unarmored Movement

Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 5 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain shinobi levels, as shown in the Shinobi table.


At 3rd level, you harness the power of chakra within you, you learn your shinobi jutsus and how to utilize them. You can spend number of chakra points as shown in the Chakra Points column. You can utilize them through your jutsu and you regain half of your chakra points (rouned down) during a short rest or all of your chakra points during a long rest where you must spend at least 30 minutes concentrating on any rest to regain them back. At level 3 you know 2 jutsus that you can utilize, as you gaining experience through harnessing and using your chakra, you learn more jutsus as shown below:3rd levelBikou Ninjutsu (Shadow stealth Technique) You can use your bonus action to hide behind an object or anything that can obscure you from hostile vision or use your action and spend 2 chakra points to turn invisible for 20 minutes. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s duration by 20 minutes for each chakra point spent. (works like the invisibility spell). • Nawanuke no Jutsu (Escape ropes Technique) You can use your action and spend 1 chakra point to escape any grapple condition that involves chains or ropes on your hands.6th level (chakra 2)Kawarimi no Jutsu (Change of body Technique) Immediately after you take damage, you can use your reaction and spend 2 chakra points to reduce your damage taken to half and teleport your self 5 feet away at an unoccupied space you can see, as a log appears at the space you occupied before getting hit. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s teleport range by 5 ft. for each chakra point spent.10th level (chakra 3)Kekkai: Tengai Houjin (Barrier: Dome method Formation) You can use your action and spend 3 chakra points to close your eyes and expand your awareness to learn the exact number, location and alignment of creatures within 60 feet of you. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s range by 5 ft. for each chakra point spent. A jutsu requires to be verbally spoken and requires you to have a free hand in order to be utilized. Some of your jutsu will require from your target to make a saving throw to resist the jutsu’s effects or will need you to make a jutsu attack roll. The saving throw DC or the Jutsu attack roll are calculated as follows: Jutsu save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier Jutsu attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + you wisdom modifierUsing a jutsu requires you to have at least 1 chakra point. For each chakra point exceeded after you hit 0 chakra points you get 2 levels of exhaustion – your constitution modifier. For example if you have 14 Constitution (+2 modifier) and you get to -2 chakra points, you get 4 levels of exhaustion – your constitution modifier so 2 levels of exhaustion

Shinobi Ways

At 3rd level, you choose to follow your shinobi way: Way of the Sage, Way of the Nimpo or Way of the Kekkei, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your way grants you features at 3rd level as long as at 6th level, 10th level, 15th level and 20th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, 8th, 11th, 14th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Long Jump

At 4th level, when you haven’t attacked or being attacked for at least one round you can use your action and spend 1 chakra point to jump 10 feet. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s jump by 10 ft. for each chakra point spent (max 30 ft.). At 9th level, when you haven’t attacked or being attacked for at least one round you can use your action and spend 2 chakra points to teleport your self 30 feet to an unoccupied space. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s teleport range by 10 ft. for each chakra point spent.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn (shuriken doesn’t count for this feature).

Infused Chakra

At 5th level, you can channel your chakra and spend 1 chakra point to imbue your shinobi weapons with chakra granting them magic properties in order to penetrate resistances and deal 1d6 extra damage of your weapon.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Stillness of mind

At 7th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

Shinobi Nature

At 12th level, you choose your shinobi natures. You can choose your strong nature and your weak nature. Your strong nature allows you to utilize your chakra better and more efficiently (jutsu’s chakra points) but your weak nature requires more chakra to be utilized (double the jutsu’s chakra points). You can choose two between the natures below as shown:FireKaton: Goukakyuu No Jutsu (Fire Style: Fireball Technique) You can use your action and spend 5 chakra points to exhale a 15 ft. cube fireball, at range of 40 ft. that deals 10d6 fire damage to each creature on a failed dexterity saving throw or half as much on a successful one. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 2d6 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.AirFuuton: Shinkuutai Naihatsu (Wind Element: Air Pocket Bursts) You can use your action and spend 3 chakra points to envelop yourself in a wind shield that can deflect projectile objects. It lasts for 1 minute and when used, you can spend your reaction and try to deflect the projectile to reduce its damage by 1d10 + your shinobi level. In addition, if you reduce the damage to 0 you can focus your chakra and send it back by spending 1 extra chakra point.LightningRaiton: Ken Tokubetsu Houden (Lightning Release: Blade Special Charge) You can use your bonus action and spend 3 chakra points to imbue your shinobi weapon with lightning nature chakra. For 1 minute your infused weapon deals 2d4 extra lightning damage on each hit you make with that weapon. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s infused damage by 1d4 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.EarthDoton: Doryūheki (Earth Style: Mud Wall Technique) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to place your hands on the ground in front of you and create a wall 20 ft long, 10 ft. wide and 5 ft. thick. Even if the terrain is smaller than the wall, parts of the wall will be merged with the terrain when created. If a creature is within the 5 ft., must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or it is hit by the wall with the terrain and takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s wall length by 10 ft., width 10 ft. and thickness 5 ft. for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.WaterSuiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Technique) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to create a water current generating from you, in the shape of a dragon, 50 ft. long and 5 ft. wide that you can control its path. On a failed strength saving throw each creature hit, takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful one. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s length by 10 ft. for each chakra point spent. If you use this jutsu under water you can create a current and travel twice your walking speed underwater. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Chakra Concetration

At 17th level, your experience over chakra control and chakra concentration allows you to concentrate for 10 minutes and recover half of your chakra points. This feature can be used only once per long rest.  

Shinobi Ways

Way of the sage

Shinobi who follow the way of the sage are linked with nature itself. They gather pure natural chakra that leads to increased movement speed, faster regeneration and stronger physical strength. They excel in close combat, as they can reach their opponent easier with the increased speed and use raw strength against them. As they gain experience in harnessing natural energy from every natural thing around them, they also learn to heal their allies and perform great devastating blows along with increased size. When you choose this way at 3rd level you know an extra special jutsu of this Shinobi way and you learn more as you gain experience:


Suimen Hokou no Wata (Water Walking technique) You can use your action and spend 1 chakra point to focus your chakra on your feet and walk on water for 30 minutes. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s duration by 30 minutes for each chakra point spent.

Sage mode

Starting at 3rd level you get access in harnessing natural chakra that allows you to enter sage mode. You can enter sage mode twice per long rest. You have to concentrate and channel your natural chakra for 10 minutes to enter sage mode for 1 minute or use your action to enter sage mode for 30 seconds to get the following benefits: When you use the attack action with your shinobi weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the attack action and attack with a shortsword, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn. Also your unarmed strikes count as a shinobi weapon. Your attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage. You have 10 extra movement speed (stacking with Unarmored Movement).

Chakra (2)

At 6th level, you learn more jutsus to utilize:Kabe nobori no jutsu (Wall climb Technique) You can use your action and spend 2 chakra points to focus your chakra at your feet and climb vertical surfaces for 1 minute. You can also end your turn on a vertical surface against gravity.Iyashino yashiji no Jutsu (Healing palm Technique) You can use your action and spend 3 chakra points to touch a creature and heal it for 4d8 hit points. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s healing by 1d8 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Combatant Sage mode

At 6th level, your sage mode grants you: Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage. You have 15 extra movement speed (stacking with Unarmored Movement).

Chakra (3)

At 10th level you learn two more jutsus by your Sage Way:Kenja no senpū (Sage Whirlwind) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to make a fast and enhanced devastating kick. Make a melee jutsu attack roll, on hit, the target suffers 8d8 bludgeoning damage (penetrates resistances). You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d8 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.Baika no Jutsu (Expansion Technique) You can use your action and spend 3 chakra points to enlarge yourself, making you one size larger.

Vital Sage mode

At 10th level, your sage mode grants you cell regeneration. When you enter your sage mode, you self healing each round for 8 hit points.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu

At 13th level, you learn the signature jutsu of your way. Depending on the shinobi natures you chose, you can use your action and summon an elemental corresponding to your two natures. Your weak nature requires double the chakra points as said above at the shinobi natures:Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique) You can use your action and spend 5 chakra points to summon an elemental that it’s in your command, corresponding to your chosen natures (Fire, Earth, Water, Air,).

Vigorous Sage mode

At 15th level, your sage mode grants you: Your attacks deal an extra 1d8 damage. You have 20 extra movement speed (stacking with Unarmored Movement). You can share your Sage mode chakra and envelop your allies with it, as an action you can grant an allied creature 3 AC for 1 minute. You can have 4 allied creatures granted AC at the same time.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu (2)

At 18th level, your strong binding with natural chakra and nature itself allows you to summon your elementals empowered. When you summon an elemental with your summoning jutsu they also have half of your hp added to their hit points.

Sage of the natural elements

At 20th level, your continuous harnessing of natural chakra and connection with nature, allows you to enter sage mode for 10 minutes as an action and your cell regeneration allows you to self heal for 15 hit points each round.

Way of the Nimpo

Shinobi who follow the way of the nimpo become expert in extending their chakra pool by concentrating and harnessing their chakra more. They exceed in confusing their target with clones and fight with special shuriken techniques. When you choose this way at 3rd level you know an extra special jutsu of this Shinobi way and you learn more as you gain experience:


Bushin no Jutsu (Clone Technique) You can use your action and spend 3 chakra points to create 2 clones of yourself next to you that they move with you and mimic your actions but they don’t deal any damage. They last for 1 minute or disappear when they take damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s clones, for every 2 chakra points you spend 1 more clone appears (max 5 clones). The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the jutsus’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack targets instead one of your clones. If you have 3 clones or more, you must roll a 6 or higher to avoid the attack and hit a clone. With 2 clones, you must roll an 8 or higher. With 1 clone, you must roll an 11 or higher.

Extended Pool

Starting at 3rd level, when you choose this shinobi way your chakra points are extended by 3.


At 6th level you learn another jutsu to utilize:Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique) You can use your action and spend 5 chakra points to summon and throw 8 shurikens that spread in a 20 ft. cone in front of you. Creatures must make a dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take 5d6 piercing damage or half as much on a successful one. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d6 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Experienced chakra pool

At 6th level, your chakra pool extends to 6 total more chakra points.


At 10th level, you learn one more jutsu of your way to use:Kage Bushin no Jutsu (Shadow clone Technique) You can use your action and spend 10 chakra points to create 2 clones of your self next to you that have your current equipment, they have hp equal to your shinobi level + your wisdom modifier, half of your chakra points left and can use your jutsus like you, your speed and your AC. Each round you can use your bonus action to able one of your clones to take the attack action. You can move your shadow clones with their current speed at your movement action. They last for 1 minute or disappear when they die. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s clones, for every 3 chakra points you spend 1 more clone appears (max 4 clones). The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the jutsus’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack targets instead one of your clones. If you have 3 clones or more, you must roll a 6 or higher to avoid the attack and it hits a clone. With 2 clones, you must roll an 8 or higher. With 1 clone, you must roll an 11 or higher. Your clones can’t get exhaustion levels and immediately disappear after a jutsu’s use before its effects take place.

Advanced chakra pool

At 10th level, your chakra pool extends to 9 total more chakra points.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu

At 13th level, you learn your signature jutsu of your shinobi way:Rasengan (Spiraling Sphere) You can use your action and spend 6 chakra points to concentrate your chakra on your palm at a rotative pattern to create a spiraling sphere of chakra that detonates upon impact and sends the target flying 15 ft. in a straight line depending on the direction you hit him. Make a melee jutsu attack roll, on hit, the target suffers 8d6 force damage. If the target hits with a terrain between the 15 ft., he takes another 2d6 bludgeoning damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d6 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Expert chakra pool

At 15th level, your chakra pool extends to 12 total more chakra points.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu (2)

At 18th level, according to the strong nature you chose you can blend your nature’s chakra with your rasengan and create a more powerful Jutsu: With strong nature Fire:Sējiāto: Yōgan kaihō Rasengan (Sage Art: Lava Release Rasengan) You can use your action and spend 15 chakra points to blend your fire nature chakra with your rasengan and create an extreme heated rotating lava sphere that emits steam. It detonates upon impact and sends the target flying 15 ft. in a straight line depending on the direction you hit him. Make a melee jutsu attack roll, on hit, the target suffers 6d8 force damage and 6d8 fire damage. If the target hits with a terrain between the 15 ft he takes another 2d6 bludgeoning damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d8 force and 1d8 fire damage for every 2 chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. With strong nature Air:Fūton: Rasenshuriken (Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken ) You can use your action and spend 16 chakra points to blend your air nature chakra with your rasengan and create an extremely rotative sphere that emits a horribly grinding sound. It detonates upon impact and expands 5ft. to envelop the target in it, hitting the target so many times that a mortal eye cant count the piercing hits. Make a melee jutsu attack roll, on hit, the target suffers 14d8 piercing damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d8 damage for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. With strong nature Water:Tajuu Kagebushin no Jutsu (Multiple shadow clone technique) You can use your action and spend 20 chakra points to create 5 clones of your current self next to you that have your current equipment, they have hp equal to your shinobi level + your wisdom modifier, half of your chakra points left and can use your jutsus like you, your speed and your AC. Each round you can use your bonus action to able two of your clones to take the attack action. You can move your shadow clones with their current speed at your movement action. They last for 1 minute or disappear when they die. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s clones, for every 3 chakra points you spend 1 more clone appears (max 8 clones). The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the Jutsus’s duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack targets instead one of your clones. If you have 3 clones or more, you must roll a 6 or higher to avoid the attack and it hits a clone. With 2 clones, you must roll an 8 or higher. With 1 clone, you must roll an 11 or higher. Your clones can’t get exhaustion levels and immediately disappear after a jutsu’s use before its effects take place.

Mastered chakra pool

At 20th level, your chakra pool extends to 15 total more chakra points.

Way of the Kekkei

Shinobi who follow the way of the kekkei are experts in manipulating and deceiving the minds of people around them. They can transform themselves and charm their targets with “genjutsu” which makes them better than other shinobi in stealthy missions that require not much of a combat time. Later they can affect positively allied minds and set enemies unable to move or think. When you choose this way at 3rd level you know an extra special jutsu of this Shinobi way and you learn more as you gain experience:


Henge no Jutsu (Transformation technique) You can use your action and spend 1 chakra point to transform yourself into another humanoid creature that you have seen, which is one size larger, smaller or the same size as you. The jutsu lasts for 30 minutes. Creatures have to make an insight check opposed to your deception check in order to understand that you are an impostor. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s duration by 30 minutes for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.


Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action and activate briefly your kekkei to charm a creature at a range of 30 ft. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you. While charmed, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0 “dreaming” its own reality. It has advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. It is charmed by you until the duration ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charm last for 30 minutes. You have two use per long rest of this feature. You can also spend chakra points and increase the duration by 30 minutes for each chakra point spent. At 6th level you learn another jutsu of your shinobi way:

Chakra (2)

Kai (release) You can use your action and spend 2 chakra points to touch a creature and “shake” their chakra eventually ending any charm or paralysis effects affecting it (if the creature is subjected to more than one effect, you have to use 2 more chakra points for each effect in order to end it).

Kekkei of the insight

At 6th level, when a creature that you can see targets you with an attack, you can use your reaction to activate briefly your Kekkei and read your opponents’ movements. You impose disadvantage to any attacks rolls made to you until the start of your next turn. You can also use your action and activate briefly your Kekkei to read the lips of a creature within 30 ft. of you. You have 1 use per long rest of these features. At 10th level, you get another use of these features per long rest. At 10th level, you learn another jutsu to utilize from your shinobi way:

Chakra (3)

Jigyakkou no Jutsu (Time Regression technique) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to force your mind into a creature’s memories. The creature must succeed on a charisma saving throw or you can collect information regarding his memories in the past 2 months. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s months by 1 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Advanced awareness Kekkei

At 10th level, you can use your bonus action and activate briefly your Kekkei to grant you insight of the enemies’ defenses, when used you have advantage on your next attack roll you make. You have two uses per long rest of this feature.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu

At 13th level, you learn your signature jutsu of your shinobi way according to your strong shinobi nature: With strong nature Fire:Kokoro Hakai no jutsu (Mind destruction technique) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to force your will into the mind of a creature within 30 ft. of you. The creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. It can make the saving throw again whenever it takes damage or at the end of its turn. With strong nature Lightning:Karada toketsu no jutsu (Body Freeze technique) You can use your action and spend 4 chakra points to freeze the mind of a creature within 60 ft. of you. It must succeed a constitution saving throw or it is stunned until the end of your next turn. With strong nature Air:Meisai Gakure no Jutsu (Camouflage Concealment technique) You can use your action and spend 5 chakra points to camouflage and coat yourself with the air around you. You are invisible for 10 minutes or until you attack or use a jutsu (while under the effect of this jutsu you can’t be detected by the spell “see invisibility”). You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s duration by 10 minutes for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.

Kekkei of Mimicry

At 15th level, you can use your action to activate briefly your Kekkei and mimic the action of a creature you saw the previous round or the round before your turn. You can also mimic the incantations and use any spell at level 5 or lower, without needing component materials.

Signature Shinobi Jutsu (2)

At 18th level, according to your strong shinobi nature you learn another jutsu of your shinobi way: With strong nature Fire:Amaterasu (Heavenly Illumination) You can use your action and spend 8 chakra points to activate briefly your kekkei and call forth the black ever-burning flames in a range of 60 ft. The creature must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 fire damage and then again each round at the start of its turn. The flames can’t be extinguished and burn for 7 days and 7 nights. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d6 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. With strong nature Lightning:Indora no Ya (Indra’s Arrow) You can use your action and spend 10 chakra points to activate briefly your kekkei and form a long bow and a 10 ft. fast and devastating arrow, both infused with your lightning-natured chakra. Make a ranged jutsu attack roll with the range of a longbow, on hit, the target suffers 9d8 lightning damage. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s damage by 1d8 for each chakra point spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level. With strong nature Air:SusanooYou can use your action and spend 12 chakra points to activate your kekkei and form a 10 by 10 ft. humanoid avatar of your air-natured chakra. When used, Susanoo forms around you and becomes an extension of your will, acting and attacking on your behalf. You can still perform jutsu while within Susanoo and your attacks will pass through it without complications. The avatar is holding a long-sword for its attack action, but you can spend another 4 chakra points and let it have a longbow instead, shooting chakra arrows at a range of 80 ft. It has hp equal to four times your shinobi level + your wisdom modifier, your AC and your movement speed. You can use everything you are capable of in a round with the avatar. You can also spend more chakra points and increase the jutsu’s avatar’s form by, 5 by 5 ft. for every 2 chakra points spent. The maximum number of chakra points that you can spend on the Jutsu equals half your shinobi level.


At 20th level, you can use your action and activate briefly your kekkei. After your target makes eye contact with your kekkei, you trap them in an illusion of your design. Tsukuyomi’s illusions are usually presented with black and white colors. Through your strange ability to alter your targets’ perception of time, you use tsukuyomi to subject your victim to days worth of torture in a matter of seconds, for example a continual stabbing or reliving traumatic events over and over again. The target must make a wisdom saving throw, on a failure he takes 10d10 psychic damage and is paralyzed for one round or on success he takes half as much damage. Using tsukuyomi requires a lot of energy, so when used you will be stunned until the end of your next turn.Feel free to commentFind me on discord, Lepa#2883 or at Greek Titans community server